Schools & Colleges
We’ve worked in schools and colleges across the UK and Europe, successfully engaging thousands of young people aged 11-18 with talks and workshops on masculinity, empathy and bystander intervention.
We know that this generation of students are ready to meet the challenge faced by a changing world and we’ve seen first-hand how transformational this work can be when boys are met with compassion and understanding. This programme is for pupils of all genders, and encourages a movement away from blaming and shaming boys - whilst challenging the boys to better engage with the changing world around them.
Find out more: [email protected]
What we do
The talk
This is the ‘buy in’ to the work. The audience will initially learn about the facilitator's personal story and what brought them in to men's work. They'll then talk about issues facing men before discussing how broadening our views on masculinity and moving away from terms like 'toxic masculinity' can help develop men's sense of self and well-being and how, in turn, that will benefit everybody in society.
Pupils will then be guided through a series of different workshops on key issues of empathy, mental health and masculinity. These sessions are interactive and challenge pupils to think about their own experiences and the experiences of others. They are structured to compliment each other and each develops on themes that help attendees better understand men, masculinity and how to help boys actively engage in a changing society.

Staff CPD
We also offer a variety of different CPD workshops and inset talks on a variety of subjects including masculinity, men's mental health and the 'manosphere'. Staff will be left with some tools and tips on how to meet boys in their reality and how to encourage them to continue the work done in the workshops.
These sessions are challenging for many pupils, and we understand that this work doesn't end when the school day ends. We invite parents in to this discussion by hosting online webinars so they know what their children were taught during the workshops - and hopefully arming them with ways to better engage with these issues going forward.
Prices, further information and additional testimonials are available on request.
Contact us at: [email protected]
What our clients Say
You can also see founder Chris Hemmings’ profile on the London Speaker Bureau or read more about his expertise here.